Just would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a great start in the new year!!
I should be going to bed as I have to get up in just over 5 hours to go the airport to fly to Heathrow to meet Mark and Nanny Peggy to then fly on to Raleigh/Durham. Phew.
I had a wonderful few days in Basel. Thank you for everyone who came from all over Switzerland and for everyone who took time off from studying and working to hang out with me. I love you all very much :)
That is all for now as I really must go to bed.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Christmas time, mistletoe and wine
Yes, again it has taken me ages to get round to writing a new post. And as always a lot of things have happened in the meantime although I do need to consult my diary to see what exactly those things were.
Last time I wrote it was the 12th November - it seems like only a few days ago. Time here is flying by. Regular occupations include meetings with the Broadgate JCR and the PGSA committee, going to lectures, going to the gym, sleeping and eating - oh and occasionally food shopping although I did admittedly just go a week without doing any proper food shopping. More irregular activities were things like having my Meningitis vaccination, being ill, going to my first ever formal dinner, having supper with Aunt Emma andandand. Let me pick a few things out for you.
My role as Cloister House Rep is getting more and more interesting. As I said I go to weekly meetings for two committees and so have the opportunity to get involved in a variety of activities that need to be organised e.g. future formals, parties, outings, etc. The Broadgate JCR now finally also has another postgrad rep so me, her and the international rep (who is also postgrad) will hopefully get some good stuff going on for Broadgate in the new year. We also just had the BGP Christmas formal, which was massive!! It was my first formal ever and I was
very impressed. The theme was "Gatecrash the Kremlin" and they had Russian dancers, Roulette, dodgems, a starlit sky and disco dancing into the early hours of the morning. A group from Cloister House went and I sat with the JCR (free dinner, yay) and we all had an excellent time and everyone (including me I might say) was looking incredibly smart in their pretty dresses and suits and ties (well obviously not both, one or the other usually). Cloister House has also had a trip to the local bowling alley funded by BGP and it was only the second time I had ever been bowling and I am certainly not a natural talent especially not in playing two games in a row as my hand was definately too tired by the second game and we were playing without bumpers so there were a lot of 0s.... This coming weekend were are hoping to go ice skating on the old market square and get that subsidised too. Apparently this is the first year Cloisters has ever asked for anything to be subsidised - not sure whether this is considered a good or a bad thing...
Christmas time here is general madness. You might think Christmas is crazy everywhere it is actually celebrated but I think this is about as mad as it has ever got for me. There are so many Christmas parties one could go to and people spend insane amounts of money on Christmas presents and outfits (I would like to mention here that my beautiful dress for the formal cost about £14 off eBay) and decorations andandand (I think andandand is another direct translation of something that is usually only said in German but nevermind). On Friday we went to the PGSA Big Christmas Night Out. There was a group of about 15 of us and we had a good laugh even though the party was slightly disappointing. This coming week there is probably a party every night but main possibilities are the BGP Christmas Party and the I-WHO christmas dinner on Friday, which will hopefully give me the chance to meet a few more people from my course or my institute and do some more networking (I do hate that expression!!). On Saturday I went out for dinner with Jenny and a group of people cause it was Jenny's birthday (and also Santiglaus but that sadly isn't celebrated here). We went to Nando's, which is a Portuguese chicken place and it was very tasty, yummy. On Tuesday I am going to the German Christmas market with Jenny to have some Glühwein and maybe a Wurst. Another christmassy event coming up is the RDA Christmas Bonanza where they dress up all christmassy and do christmassy games with the riders but sadly I don't think I will be able to make it as I annoyingly have a revision lecture in the middle of the day...
Talking about lectures... I don't have very many this week but I do have an introductory session on my Applied Research Project, which I have to do next summer so if anyone has any good ideas for anything they want researched let me know ;)
Just realised I haven't yet mentioned that I was in London this week! I went from Wednesday evening to Friday morning and stayed with Vicky and Johanna. I had some great meals but mainly also went to have lunch with Val (Vicky's HR Manager) to talk about future careers in HR. It was very informative and helpful even though the conclusion we came to was that I probably don't want to be working in HR but maybe in recruitment/assessment or general consultancy. I thought London was great - as I always do when I am there - but did wonder how people who rely on public transport to get to work ever get there on time! Talking about public transport: I am now also the proud owner of an Oyster Card. Not really significant but I was quite pleased.
What I am most looking forward to in the near future (of course) is going back home to Basel. Yes, I do and probably always will consider Basel home. Main reason for being so happy to go back there is always just the feeling of being home and of course seeing all my beautiful, wonderful friends again. I do miss you all so much it is incredible. Anyway, I have to start planning my few days there as I am hoping to see as many people as possible and also eat Fondue, maybe some Zopf, wonder around time and along the Rhein and all sorts of other stuff. Oh yes, fill in my tax return of course, how could I forget.
I think that will do for the moment although I am sure there is lots more to tell. Must think some more about actually doing some proper work on one of my many essays or for one of my many exams.
Love you lots.
Last time I wrote it was the 12th November - it seems like only a few days ago. Time here is flying by. Regular occupations include meetings with the Broadgate JCR and the PGSA committee, going to lectures, going to the gym, sleeping and eating - oh and occasionally food shopping although I did admittedly just go a week without doing any proper food shopping. More irregular activities were things like having my Meningitis vaccination, being ill, going to my first ever formal dinner, having supper with Aunt Emma andandand. Let me pick a few things out for you.
My role as Cloister House Rep is getting more and more interesting. As I said I go to weekly meetings for two committees and so have the opportunity to get involved in a variety of activities that need to be organised e.g. future formals, parties, outings, etc. The Broadgate JCR now finally also has another postgrad rep so me, her and the international rep (who is also postgrad) will hopefully get some good stuff going on for Broadgate in the new year. We also just had the BGP Christmas formal, which was massive!! It was my first formal ever and I was
Christmas time here is general madness. You might think Christmas is crazy everywhere it is actually celebrated but I think this is about as mad as it has ever got for me. There are so many Christmas parties one could go to and people spend insane amounts of money on Christmas presents and outfits (I would like to mention here that my beautiful dress for the formal cost about £14 off eBay) and decorations andandand (I think andandand is another direct translation of something that is usually only said in German but nevermind). On Friday we went to the PGSA Big Christmas Night Out. There was a group of about 15 of us and we had a good laugh even though the party was slightly disappointing. This coming week there is probably a party every night but main possibilities are the BGP Christmas Party and the I-WHO christmas dinner on Friday, which will hopefully give me the chance to meet a few more people from my course or my institute and do some more networking (I do hate that expression!!). On Saturday I went out for dinner with Jenny and a group of people cause it was Jenny's birthday (and also Santiglaus but that sadly isn't celebrated here). We went to Nando's, which is a Portuguese chicken place and it was very tasty, yummy. On Tuesday I am going to the German Christmas market with Jenny to have some Glühwein and maybe a Wurst. Another christmassy event coming up is the RDA Christmas Bonanza where they dress up all christmassy and do christmassy games with the riders but sadly I don't think I will be able to make it as I annoyingly have a revision lecture in the middle of the day...
Talking about lectures... I don't have very many this week but I do have an introductory session on my Applied Research Project, which I have to do next summer so if anyone has any good ideas for anything they want researched let me know ;)
Just realised I haven't yet mentioned that I was in London this week! I went from Wednesday evening to Friday morning and stayed with Vicky and Johanna. I had some great meals but mainly also went to have lunch with Val (Vicky's HR Manager) to talk about future careers in HR. It was very informative and helpful even though the conclusion we came to was that I probably don't want to be working in HR but maybe in recruitment/assessment or general consultancy. I thought London was great - as I always do when I am there - but did wonder how people who rely on public transport to get to work ever get there on time! Talking about public transport: I am now also the proud owner of an Oyster Card. Not really significant but I was quite pleased.
What I am most looking forward to in the near future (of course) is going back home to Basel. Yes, I do and probably always will consider Basel home. Main reason for being so happy to go back there is always just the feeling of being home and of course seeing all my beautiful, wonderful friends again. I do miss you all so much it is incredible. Anyway, I have to start planning my few days there as I am hoping to see as many people as possible and also eat Fondue, maybe some Zopf, wonder around time and along the Rhein and all sorts of other stuff. Oh yes, fill in my tax return of course, how could I forget.
I think that will do for the moment although I am sure there is lots more to tell. Must think some more about actually doing some proper work on one of my many essays or for one of my many exams.
Love you lots.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
holloa boys and girls
after writing that short post and being told that my blog was appreciated I am now feeling quite motivated to write another, proper post. I can't believe it is already the 12th november (actually I think now it is already the 13th but days start when I get up as far as I'm concerned). christmas is appearing everywhere and the pressure is on with assignments galore and an equal amount of distracting activities.
as always, because I don't write often enough, many things have happened since my last post. i have been elected has cloister postgrad rep and have been through training and a few meetings already. one big advantage of this post is that i get free hoodies (this is a new word I have learned since getting here - another one is spag-bol = spaghetti bolognese) and free trips to places like ... Amsterdam!! but of course actually I really enjoy being a person of reference for people and feel strong enough to take on the responsibility although I need to build up some more connections with other reps to get some good stuff going on for cloisters.

... let me think what else has been going on since last posting. I have seen robin hood and friar tuck jousting (obviously not against each other) at the robin hood pageant at nottingham castle (which is not actually a castle but more like a mansion but i know a great deal about its history after doing a five minute presentation on it) - the weather was so english, it was incredible. it was cold and wet and incredibly windy but there were lots of people in costume and even the king had come! another cultural experience was halloween. i think most of you have seen pictures but yes, I was actually wearing a witches hat! that
was as far as my costume went but I think that was also about far enough, thank you. before going out to the pub as a witch though we witnessed a guinness world record being set on the old market square in nottingham: the most people dressed up as zombies dancing the michael jackson's thriller dance! the rest of that weekend was slightly messed up by me having to undergo JCR (junior common room) training from 9-5 saturday and sunday. although it was quite an interesting experience and I saw more drawings of penis in those two days than I have in the last few years of my life. cannot believe I was ever an undergrad like them, haha.
after that, my timetable changed. this might seem boring to you but it was interesting for me because i was interested to see whether I would like my new courses more than the ones I had had so far. the answer is: I do! but ... all my new courses are assessed by coursework so I now have about 6 essays to write. uiuiuiui. first one is due in 8th december and the rest towards the end of january. with all the excitement of my timetable changing came the excitement of my first ever pub quiz! rather than going to the local pub (the JA) we opted on going to a pub in Beeston called the Malt Shovel where the PGSA organise a pub quiz every month. it was very good, it got you thinking and we had a good time. definately something to think about doing again in december - if only the broadgate park formal wasn't on the same day but no one else seems to want to go there anyway... where were we? ah yes, pub quiz. after pub quiz came bonfire night! also known as guy fawkes night. some of you might remember him from v for vendetta.
recreation grounds which was really nice although rather muddy. fireworks were being let off all week and we went to see another (I think more spectacular) bonfire and fireworks on the friday at our local firestation. but i am getting slightly ahead of myself. oh nevermind. talking about our local firestation, saturday morning at some ungodly hour (i.e. about 6am) I woke up to the sound of water only to find out that a pipe had burst just outside my room and there was water running through the ceiling in the hallway. after banging on sophie's door and causing some confusion the fire alarm went off while I was on the phone to the broadgate reception because the water was running through it. fact is, the whole house was evacuated at 6am and the local firemen came because they automatically get alarmed and even though we did sort of enjoy having men in uniform in our flat it ruined any chance of sleep for me so I went for a swim (this turned me into my flatmate's hero but ruined any chance of me doing anything productive for the rest of the day). that afternoon we had tea and cake in our flat for the house and met some people we had not met yet so that was nice.
this week has been quite uneventful so far. I have had a chat with a careers advisor about my CV and possible application question answers (I have started an online application to the Rolls-Royce graduate leadership programme in HR), which was very informative, have been to a PGSA meeting and tomorrow I am going to Lings Lane Stables again finally to give the Thursday group of the local RDA a go. Sadly because my timetable has changed I will no longer be able to go on Wednesdays.. My plan for this weekend is to get started on my essay, have a few drinks with some friends and sleep. Oooh I almost forgot: we are apparently getting a new flatmate!! Very exciting!
Anyway, must go to bed - this is far too long for anyone of you to want to ready anyway but I feel a lot better for having written it (thank you jenny r)!
good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!
as always, because I don't write often enough, many things have happened since my last post. i have been elected has cloister postgrad rep and have been through training and a few meetings already. one big advantage of this post is that i get free hoodies (this is a new word I have learned since getting here - another one is spag-bol = spaghetti bolognese) and free trips to places like ... Amsterdam!! but of course actually I really enjoy being a person of reference for people and feel strong enough to take on the responsibility although I need to build up some more connections with other reps to get some good stuff going on for cloisters.
... let me think what else has been going on since last posting. I have seen robin hood and friar tuck jousting (obviously not against each other) at the robin hood pageant at nottingham castle (which is not actually a castle but more like a mansion but i know a great deal about its history after doing a five minute presentation on it) - the weather was so english, it was incredible. it was cold and wet and incredibly windy but there were lots of people in costume and even the king had come! another cultural experience was halloween. i think most of you have seen pictures but yes, I was actually wearing a witches hat! that
after that, my timetable changed. this might seem boring to you but it was interesting for me because i was interested to see whether I would like my new courses more than the ones I had had so far. the answer is: I do! but ... all my new courses are assessed by coursework so I now have about 6 essays to write. uiuiuiui. first one is due in 8th december and the rest towards the end of january. with all the excitement of my timetable changing came the excitement of my first ever pub quiz! rather than going to the local pub (the JA) we opted on going to a pub in Beeston called the Malt Shovel where the PGSA organise a pub quiz every month. it was very good, it got you thinking and we had a good time. definately something to think about doing again in december - if only the broadgate park formal wasn't on the same day but no one else seems to want to go there anyway... where were we? ah yes, pub quiz. after pub quiz came bonfire night! also known as guy fawkes night. some of you might remember him from v for vendetta.
- Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
- The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
- I can think of no reason
- Why the Gunpowder Treason
- Should ever be forgot.
- Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
- To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
- Three-score barrels of powder below
- To prove old England's overthrow;
- By God's providence he was catch'd
- With a dark lantern and burning match.
- Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
- Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
this week has been quite uneventful so far. I have had a chat with a careers advisor about my CV and possible application question answers (I have started an online application to the Rolls-Royce graduate leadership programme in HR), which was very informative, have been to a PGSA meeting and tomorrow I am going to Lings Lane Stables again finally to give the Thursday group of the local RDA a go. Sadly because my timetable has changed I will no longer be able to go on Wednesdays.. My plan for this weekend is to get started on my essay, have a few drinks with some friends and sleep. Oooh I almost forgot: we are apparently getting a new flatmate!! Very exciting!
Anyway, must go to bed - this is far too long for anyone of you to want to ready anyway but I feel a lot better for having written it (thank you jenny r)!
good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
must write a proper new post again soon but it takes more effort than i had originally imagined and there are so many other things that i should be doing or would like to be doing: reading, writing essays, applying for jobs, volunteering, swimming, going to the gym, writing my blog, keeping up with my representative responsibilities (i.e. going to meetings and organising stuff), going to french-speakers meetings, watching films presented by the human rights law society, going on trips to cambridge, lincoln, amsterdam, etc, studying, and of course keeping up with my friends here and back home. i think of everyone a lot, which is maybe on reason why i get less done than i would like. need to work on my self-discipline and time-management.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
the sun is shining but not in basel
New things have been happening since my last blog: I have bought lovely wellies (white with pink bits and little pink flowers) and a proper jacket so that I can go and volunteer with the RDA (riding for the disabled association), I have been nominated as Hall Rep fro Cloister House, and FC Basel is currently losing badly against FC Barcelona.
I went to Lings Lane Stables this morning for my first introduction to working with the RDA and it was a great experience. The kids that came suffer from autism or aspergers syndrome (so mental learning disabilities, some more severe, some less) but were very enthusiastic and could hardly wait for when the time came to have a trot! (The volunteers less so as it meant running alongside the ponies) I was even allowed to lead a pony (Star) for the second half of the lesson! Sadly my timetable changes so I will not be able to continue working with the same group but will change groups to a Thursday afternoon group apparently consisting of more severely disabled kids (not only mentally but also physically disabled). It was also just nice to be around horses again even though it did make me want to sit on one again even more than before so I hope I will be able to keep up with the volunteering. If I sort out my time management all things should be possible.
I should get some more work done on my essay as it is due quite soon and also carry on watching the small FCB being slaughtered by the big FCB. Thankfully I am not watching it live but only on the liveticker otherwise I think I might actually be depressed. Oh believe it or not since I have been writing this the second half begun and Barcelona is now leading 5:0. The game is in Basel. I will not swear on my blog.
I went to Lings Lane Stables this morning for my first introduction to working with the RDA and it was a great experience. The kids that came suffer from autism or aspergers syndrome (so mental learning disabilities, some more severe, some less) but were very enthusiastic and could hardly wait for when the time came to have a trot! (The volunteers less so as it meant running alongside the ponies) I was even allowed to lead a pony (Star) for the second half of the lesson! Sadly my timetable changes so I will not be able to continue working with the same group but will change groups to a Thursday afternoon group apparently consisting of more severely disabled kids (not only mentally but also physically disabled). It was also just nice to be around horses again even though it did make me want to sit on one again even more than before so I hope I will be able to keep up with the volunteering. If I sort out my time management all things should be possible.
I should get some more work done on my essay as it is due quite soon and also carry on watching the small FCB being slaughtered by the big FCB. Thankfully I am not watching it live but only on the liveticker otherwise I think I might actually be depressed. Oh believe it or not since I have been writing this the second half begun and Barcelona is now leading 5:0. The game is in Basel. I will not swear on my blog.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
les aventures continuent
i have been in england over a month and am getting quite used to it. even if you think after my last email that i think everything is bad here (or at least not as good as Switzerland) i must correct that false impression. i am enjoying my time here immensely so far, thank you. i have met wonderful people and even if i don't find my course particularly inspiring yet i am looking forward to the year but know it will be hard work. especially after the past tutorgroup meetings (i.e. i meet with my tutor and the other people she is tutor for and we discuss things together like the right way to go about answering an essay question) i know that i am in for some hard work. i have (only) three exams in january which seems like little after writing seven per semester in average in basel BUT these exams are slightly different to what i am used to... six questions per exam, two have to be answered in form of an essay of about four to five sides and each answer should include 10-12 references (with name and date!!) - and all of this off the top of my head! this means 3 exams x 6 questions = 18 questions x 10 references per possible answer = 180 names and dates i need to know! i know it wont really work out like that and i can use the same references for different questions but still... que exagerado!! anyway, tutorgroup is giving me the most work at the moment. tomorrow i have to do a five minute presentation on the castle of nottingham (quite interesting actually) and by friday i have to have sent my tutor a 1000 word essay on the relationship between the big five personality dimensions and organisational citizenship behaviour. other than that work consists mainly of reading as preparation for the exams and to try and avoid having to do excessive amounts of work during my christmas "holidays".
i also do nice things of course like i went to my first ever recruitment fair (a fair where employers come and look for future employees) and talked to a few people and grabbed some free stuff, i nominated myself for the position of course rep and thought about nominating myself for hall rep for cloister house but i would have to do that by tomorrow and i dont think it is something i want to do without telling anyone in the house about it so it is rather hurried i feel. anyway, i am sure i will be busy enough without it as i plan to start volunteering for the riding for the disabled organisation and will go and look at the stables this week hopefully. my unimosity weeks sort of ended on thursday anway this week as i set off to bexhill to see nanny peggy thursday afternoon and got there late evening. we had a wonderful weekend: on friday we went by bus to Rye, a very picturesque village and pottered around and had lunch and then got the bus back stopping off to buy me a new swimming costume (my old one was seriously seethrough - very embarrassing) and hat and goggles (old ones fogged up and that is no good) in hastings (ah, old memories of visiting the smugglers caves come up - but that is a different story). on saturday we spent the day in bexhill wandering around looking in shops and having coffee/tea on the front and fish and chips at louis'. in the evening we watch strictly come dancing - everyone watches strictly! come to think of it, i must look up who was eliminated! all very adventurous.
this week i have planed:
monday: lecture in the morning, tutorgroup at lunchtime, careers fair after that and going for a swim and then doing some work in the evening.
tuesday: doing some more work in the morning and possibly going to the gym or maybe only after the lecture+seminar in the afternoon. the careers fair is also still on so might pop in again if there are different employers.
wednesday: day off to exercise, work, write essay, or maybe go and visit the stables where the RDA are at home.
thursday: lecture+seminar in the morning and afternoon off to do the same as wednesday.
friday: day off again and again doing the same as wednesday.
saturday: robin hood pageant at nottingham castle!!! live jousting, etc - should be excellent!
sunday: sleep?
any free time is filled with working, playing cards (as a matter of fact, playing A LOT of cards, mainly shithead (yes this is a cardgame for all those that didnt know)), sleeping, eating or going to the gym/pool. i have no particular plans for going out yet this weekend except for the pageant but who knows what will come along!
i am having problems keeping my eyes open so good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
my strengths and weaknesses
Thinking about my future (not very conclusive so far) and I would like to ask everyone to leave a comment about what they think my strengths and weaknesses are. Be open and honest - I think you can do it anonymously so no worries about me hating you afterwards.
P.S. more exciting news about what I am actually up to coming soon.
P.S. more exciting news about what I am actually up to coming soon.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
was ich lieb und was ich hass
what i love: shithead and all other card games, nottingham in the sunshine, my new bike, interesting journal articles, challenges, good conversation, new friends, travelling, tea, 2 for 1 offers, sainsbury's basics, swimming, yogurts, the gym, insanity in moderation, etc
what i hate: lies, cowardliness, talking behind people's back, popular music, pork, bitches, unnecessary nakedness, binge drinking, bad manners (or even worse - no manners), obnoxiousness, boring lectures, force, etc
what i hate: lies, cowardliness, talking behind people's back, popular music, pork, bitches, unnecessary nakedness, binge drinking, bad manners (or even worse - no manners), obnoxiousness, boring lectures, force, etc
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
neui bekanntschafte
ich bi scho über e wuche do und s studium het noch wie vor nonit so richtig agfange aber mi sozialläbe entwicklet sich immer wie mehr (juhui).
zu minere grosse freud ha ich festgstellt, dass me do au shithead spiilt. d regle sin zwar bi jedere person liicht anderscht aber hauptsach me spiilt shithead und ich ha au scho anderi neui karte spiil glernt d.h. ich bi glii sehr versiert im karte spiile. die letschte zwei hani geschtert zobe vo zwei vo mine mitbewohnerinne glernt. apropos, ich stell vor:
zimmer nr 1: ellie (sie heisst tatsächlich au eleanor), macht e PhD in organischi chemie und isch e zimlichi klischee-ängländerin: sie stoht offe drzue dass sie trinkt zum betrunke sii, het null scham, stoht uff vrkleide und lost alles möglichi musik egal ob guet oder schlächt. sie isch aber au e durchus liebi und luschtigi person.
zimmer nr 2: dr schuh (kei ahnig wie me das wirklich schriibt), kunnt us taiwan und isch im dritte johr vo sim PhD in "genetics" (är macht stammzelleforschig, was ich sehrsehr cool find). e üsserscht hilfsbereiti person und sis gekoche duftet immer durch die ganz wohnig so das alli hunger bekömme. är goht in e paar wuche zum erscht mol siit 1.5 johr widr hei und das well sini eltere gfunde hän är söll si gäld lieber für reise in europa ussgä. druffabe ischr im friehlig für e wuche oder so ind schwiiz, nach interlake go d bärge aaluege, hihi.
zimmer nr 3: moi!
zimmer nr 4: gähnende leere :(
zimmer nr 5: paulina uss pole. sie macht e PhD in pharmazie (glaub) und isch super. sehr energievoll und sehr lieb.
zimmer nr 6: sara uss italie. sie macht e masters in wirtschaft und vrmisst ihri fründe und ihre färnseh. sie het glaub am meischte scho ztue bis jetzt, was mr bitz e schlächts gwüsse macht. uff jede fall au e sehr liebi person.
mini andere kartespiilkumpane sin d herre uss dr wohnig im unterschte stock. am sunntig obe hets e spontanparty für s ganze huus gä, was super gsi isch, well suscht hani niemerts kennt im huus und jetzt kenni doch einigi. sehr viil asiate hets ka, was füre e überraschig, aber es het zb au dr robbie (au bekannt als jennifer) ka, wo zwar au e klischeeängländer isch (d.h. wenn betrunke zimlich rüd) aber au e durchus intelligänti, luschtigi und liebenswärti person. denn sii treue mitläufer, dr deepak (au bekannt als 2pac) uss indie. dank ihne vrstand ich jetzt au wie me hearts spiilt, was mir vorhär immer e rätsel gsi isch und jetzt findis eigentlich no e cools spiil. ich ha au kenneglernt: e mexikanerin, e amerikanerin, zwei franzose, e cypriot, etc. E durchus internationali sach! Und das in efangs die uss mim huus! Vom studium kenni mittlerwiile au scho paar mensche dank de ganz wahnsinnig spannende iifiehrigssache letscht wuche... D vorläsige vo mim kurs (au bekannt als WaOP) sin oft mit lüt vo ähnliche kürs, do sich alles bitz überschniidet und mi kurs nit so gross isch. In mim kurs hets widrum sehr viil inderinne (die uni isch allgemein massiv international, als wissi ängländerin isch me glaub in dr minderheit do, sehr unterhaltsam) und anderi nationalitäte (chinesisch, uss malaysia, griechisch, kanadisch, etc). die mit dene ich mi aber bis jetzt hauptsächlich abgä sin ängländer. wie das halt so oft isch, finde sich d nationalitäte quasi zämme: d inder mit de inder, d chinese mit de chinese, etc. Mit dr ziit wirds aber sicher durchmischter. U.a. dank de tutoregruppe. Mini tutorin isch forschigsassischtäntin am insti und macht e PhD und kunnt uss italie. Sisch jetzt ihres dritte johr, wo sie das macht und sie isch mini asprächsperson für jeglichi froge, problem, etc bis im Juni. Bim Forschigsprojäkt hani denn e andere betreuer.
ah jä, hani scho gseit, dass es e mega gmietlichs pub het öppe 3 minute vo mim huus entfärnt? sehr praktisch! oder au vrheerend... das gsehni denn no. parties gits au massewiis egal welle wuchetag isch und jetzt isch denn no d nottinghamer version vo dr herbschtmäss für e paar täg. es git also gnueg ztue aber ich nimm aa glii wirdi miesse afo läse und so für mini vorläsige. jetzt sötti eigentlich usefinde wo ich ka mini folie ussdrucke aber s wätter isch grad so gruusig dusse, dassi nit use will :-s am zwei muessi denn, denn gohts in die nöggschti vorläsig und hüt zobe ins schwimmtraining.
also, ich raff mi mol uff, bis bald mini liebe!
zu minere grosse freud ha ich festgstellt, dass me do au shithead spiilt. d regle sin zwar bi jedere person liicht anderscht aber hauptsach me spiilt shithead und ich ha au scho anderi neui karte spiil glernt d.h. ich bi glii sehr versiert im karte spiile. die letschte zwei hani geschtert zobe vo zwei vo mine mitbewohnerinne glernt. apropos, ich stell vor:
zimmer nr 1: ellie (sie heisst tatsächlich au eleanor), macht e PhD in organischi chemie und isch e zimlichi klischee-ängländerin: sie stoht offe drzue dass sie trinkt zum betrunke sii, het null scham, stoht uff vrkleide und lost alles möglichi musik egal ob guet oder schlächt. sie isch aber au e durchus liebi und luschtigi person.
zimmer nr 2: dr schuh (kei ahnig wie me das wirklich schriibt), kunnt us taiwan und isch im dritte johr vo sim PhD in "genetics" (är macht stammzelleforschig, was ich sehrsehr cool find). e üsserscht hilfsbereiti person und sis gekoche duftet immer durch die ganz wohnig so das alli hunger bekömme. är goht in e paar wuche zum erscht mol siit 1.5 johr widr hei und das well sini eltere gfunde hän är söll si gäld lieber für reise in europa ussgä. druffabe ischr im friehlig für e wuche oder so ind schwiiz, nach interlake go d bärge aaluege, hihi.
zimmer nr 3: moi!
zimmer nr 4: gähnende leere :(
zimmer nr 5: paulina uss pole. sie macht e PhD in pharmazie (glaub) und isch super. sehr energievoll und sehr lieb.
zimmer nr 6: sara uss italie. sie macht e masters in wirtschaft und vrmisst ihri fründe und ihre färnseh. sie het glaub am meischte scho ztue bis jetzt, was mr bitz e schlächts gwüsse macht. uff jede fall au e sehr liebi person.
mini andere kartespiilkumpane sin d herre uss dr wohnig im unterschte stock. am sunntig obe hets e spontanparty für s ganze huus gä, was super gsi isch, well suscht hani niemerts kennt im huus und jetzt kenni doch einigi. sehr viil asiate hets ka, was füre e überraschig, aber es het zb au dr robbie (au bekannt als jennifer) ka, wo zwar au e klischeeängländer isch (d.h. wenn betrunke zimlich rüd) aber au e durchus intelligänti, luschtigi und liebenswärti person. denn sii treue mitläufer, dr deepak (au bekannt als 2pac) uss indie. dank ihne vrstand ich jetzt au wie me hearts spiilt, was mir vorhär immer e rätsel gsi isch und jetzt findis eigentlich no e cools spiil. ich ha au kenneglernt: e mexikanerin, e amerikanerin, zwei franzose, e cypriot, etc. E durchus internationali sach! Und das in efangs die uss mim huus! Vom studium kenni mittlerwiile au scho paar mensche dank de ganz wahnsinnig spannende iifiehrigssache letscht wuche... D vorläsige vo mim kurs (au bekannt als WaOP) sin oft mit lüt vo ähnliche kürs, do sich alles bitz überschniidet und mi kurs nit so gross isch. In mim kurs hets widrum sehr viil inderinne (die uni isch allgemein massiv international, als wissi ängländerin isch me glaub in dr minderheit do, sehr unterhaltsam) und anderi nationalitäte (chinesisch, uss malaysia, griechisch, kanadisch, etc). die mit dene ich mi aber bis jetzt hauptsächlich abgä sin ängländer. wie das halt so oft isch, finde sich d nationalitäte quasi zämme: d inder mit de inder, d chinese mit de chinese, etc. Mit dr ziit wirds aber sicher durchmischter. U.a. dank de tutoregruppe. Mini tutorin isch forschigsassischtäntin am insti und macht e PhD und kunnt uss italie. Sisch jetzt ihres dritte johr, wo sie das macht und sie isch mini asprächsperson für jeglichi froge, problem, etc bis im Juni. Bim Forschigsprojäkt hani denn e andere betreuer.
ah jä, hani scho gseit, dass es e mega gmietlichs pub het öppe 3 minute vo mim huus entfärnt? sehr praktisch! oder au vrheerend... das gsehni denn no. parties gits au massewiis egal welle wuchetag isch und jetzt isch denn no d nottinghamer version vo dr herbschtmäss für e paar täg. es git also gnueg ztue aber ich nimm aa glii wirdi miesse afo läse und so für mini vorläsige. jetzt sötti eigentlich usefinde wo ich ka mini folie ussdrucke aber s wätter isch grad so gruusig dusse, dassi nit use will :-s am zwei muessi denn, denn gohts in die nöggschti vorläsig und hüt zobe ins schwimmtraining.
also, ich raff mi mol uff, bis bald mini liebe!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Learning to drive on the left.
Finally! I can warn you now already that this is going to be a long one. It has been nearly two weeks since my last post and that was when I was still in Switzerland. Hard to believe...
I arrived in Liverpool last Monday evening and was planning on staying a few days and then going to Nottingham for a day as you might remember. Plans changed: I ended up staying in Liverpool until Friday and then driving down with my uncle Dan, Andy and my very lovely cousin Flora to the wedding in Cheltenham. I had a wonderful time exploring Liverpool. One of the most enjoyable facts was that nearly all museums are free so I made good use of this and looked at St. George's Hall, which was very impressive and well done. I was most astounded by the fact that the court joined onto the huge and stunning concert room through stained glass doors. Imagine being put in prison for stealing blankets while others are pigging themselves on some wonderful buffet and dancing in their dresses in the new fashion from Paris. (I'm sure this didn't really happen at the same time though...). I then went into the World Museum where I was particularly interested in the new "The Beat goes on" exhibition about music from Liverpool (not only the beatles) and was astounded by the number of bands that originate in Liverpool (I am a generally easily astounded person as you may have already noticed). After that I decided that it was time for something to eat and to buy a Lonely Planet of Great Britain. These occupations took up the rest of my day. Wednesday I went down to Alberts Dock, home of the Tate Liverpool. I spent the morning looking at the fixed exhibitions there (the only ones open due to preparations for the Biennial (the International Festival for Contemporary Art). I was happy to find a Magritte and various artists familiar from the Beyeler in Riehen (e.g. Giacometti). In the afternoon I visited the Maritime and the Slavery museum. Latter was especially interesting although fighting my way through groups of English school kids was not so. Thursday I visited the two large and very different cathedrals. The Liverpool Cathedral is neogothic and very much as one expects a cathedral to be: Very big, a huge organ, beautiful glass windows, etc. The metropolitan Cathedral I was not so impressed by. It is a more modern building i.e. a lot of concrete and metal. In the evening we went to the preview the John Moore Contemporary Painting Prize where I particularly enjoyed peoplewatching! Friday morning I wandered over to Sudley House about a 5 minute walk from Dan and Andy's. Sudley House is the house of a Victorian merchant and still has his original collection of painting and so the ground floor is made up in the original style. The second floor has exhibitions of toys and clothing - I though the dresses were actually rather nice! Friday afternoon we left for the wedding.
The wedding: It was lovely and very classical. Maybe not the style of my choice but tastes differ so no surprises there. Us Nevills stayed in an inn that had been completely emptied by the previous managers of anything worth a few quid (I am practicing saying quid not pounds), which was interesting. The rest of the family stayed in a different inn just over the hill. The so called Cotswolds are amazing! Very pretty but everything looks the same! All the house are made out of large limestone bricks in this sort of greyish colour and are all built in the same style. Very odd. I am not going to go into detail on the wedding but will add a picture or two asap. On Sunday we dropped Mark off at the bus stop and started making our way to Nottingham - or so we thought! The whole M5 motorway was closed so we ended up circling back to Cheltenham and going cross-country to Nottingham. Instead of a two-hour drive it was a 4-hour drive! We quickly checked in and had a look at my room before heading off to IKEA to get some basics. After that trip, a trip to Sainsburys the following day and a trip into town on Wednesday I think I more or less have everything I need (except for: salt, pepper, herbs, tissues and "Mäppli").
This week was induction week so I have had a load of information on things like the institute (I am at the institute for work, health and organisation), plagiarism, library use, my course and have also met my tutor who seems very nice and chosen my modules. I have also registered for a bank account, health and dental service and been to freshers fayre where you get lots of freebies and can sign up for societies. I am thinking about joining the swimming and the sub aqua (i.e. diving) societies. The sub aqua society does a week-long trip diving in Scotland at Easter, which sounds cold but very interesting. And then yesterday, the highlight of my week, I bought a bicycle! (picture coming soon) I love it already and rode to school today!
As you can tell, I am settling in. I get on well with my flatmates who are all very nice and come from different backgrounds and do different things. I have also seen Jenny's flat and met her flatmates so with all them and people on my course I am slowly but surely getting to know people. I have not been out yet so far as I am always completely exhausted by the evening but this will change soon, I am sure. I will write a more detailed post on people and my social life soon.
I am going to leave you with this for the moment as I think it is a fair amount of info already. I must now find something to eat and the register for the University fitness center/swimming pool, etc. I am enjoying registering for things and have even already registered for a two-hour workshop on leadership skills. I also plan to register to do volunteer work in the community. There you go.
I arrived in Liverpool last Monday evening and was planning on staying a few days and then going to Nottingham for a day as you might remember. Plans changed: I ended up staying in Liverpool until Friday and then driving down with my uncle Dan, Andy and my very lovely cousin Flora to the wedding in Cheltenham. I had a wonderful time exploring Liverpool. One of the most enjoyable facts was that nearly all museums are free so I made good use of this and looked at St. George's Hall, which was very impressive and well done. I was most astounded by the fact that the court joined onto the huge and stunning concert room through stained glass doors. Imagine being put in prison for stealing blankets while others are pigging themselves on some wonderful buffet and dancing in their dresses in the new fashion from Paris. (I'm sure this didn't really happen at the same time though...). I then went into the World Museum where I was particularly interested in the new "The Beat goes on" exhibition about music from Liverpool (not only the beatles) and was astounded by the number of bands that originate in Liverpool (I am a generally easily astounded person as you may have already noticed). After that I decided that it was time for something to eat and to buy a Lonely Planet of Great Britain. These occupations took up the rest of my day. Wednesday I went down to Alberts Dock, home of the Tate Liverpool. I spent the morning looking at the fixed exhibitions there (the only ones open due to preparations for the Biennial (the International Festival for Contemporary Art). I was happy to find a Magritte and various artists familiar from the Beyeler in Riehen (e.g. Giacometti). In the afternoon I visited the Maritime and the Slavery museum. Latter was especially interesting although fighting my way through groups of English school kids was not so. Thursday I visited the two large and very different cathedrals. The Liverpool Cathedral is neogothic and very much as one expects a cathedral to be: Very big, a huge organ, beautiful glass windows, etc. The metropolitan Cathedral I was not so impressed by. It is a more modern building i.e. a lot of concrete and metal. In the evening we went to the preview the John Moore Contemporary Painting Prize where I particularly enjoyed peoplewatching! Friday morning I wandered over to Sudley House about a 5 minute walk from Dan and Andy's. Sudley House is the house of a Victorian merchant and still has his original collection of painting and so the ground floor is made up in the original style. The second floor has exhibitions of toys and clothing - I though the dresses were actually rather nice! Friday afternoon we left for the wedding.
The wedding: It was lovely and very classical. Maybe not the style of my choice but tastes differ so no surprises there. Us Nevills stayed in an inn that had been completely emptied by the previous managers of anything worth a few quid (I am practicing saying quid not pounds), which was interesting. The rest of the family stayed in a different inn just over the hill. The so called Cotswolds are amazing! Very pretty but everything looks the same! All the house are made out of large limestone bricks in this sort of greyish colour and are all built in the same style. Very odd. I am not going to go into detail on the wedding but will add a picture or two asap. On Sunday we dropped Mark off at the bus stop and started making our way to Nottingham - or so we thought! The whole M5 motorway was closed so we ended up circling back to Cheltenham and going cross-country to Nottingham. Instead of a two-hour drive it was a 4-hour drive! We quickly checked in and had a look at my room before heading off to IKEA to get some basics. After that trip, a trip to Sainsburys the following day and a trip into town on Wednesday I think I more or less have everything I need (except for: salt, pepper, herbs, tissues and "Mäppli").
This week was induction week so I have had a load of information on things like the institute (I am at the institute for work, health and organisation), plagiarism, library use, my course and have also met my tutor who seems very nice and chosen my modules. I have also registered for a bank account, health and dental service and been to freshers fayre where you get lots of freebies and can sign up for societies. I am thinking about joining the swimming and the sub aqua (i.e. diving) societies. The sub aqua society does a week-long trip diving in Scotland at Easter, which sounds cold but very interesting. And then yesterday, the highlight of my week, I bought a bicycle! (picture coming soon) I love it already and rode to school today!
As you can tell, I am settling in. I get on well with my flatmates who are all very nice and come from different backgrounds and do different things. I have also seen Jenny's flat and met her flatmates so with all them and people on my course I am slowly but surely getting to know people. I have not been out yet so far as I am always completely exhausted by the evening but this will change soon, I am sure. I will write a more detailed post on people and my social life soon.
I am going to leave you with this for the moment as I think it is a fair amount of info already. I must now find something to eat and the register for the University fitness center/swimming pool, etc. I am enjoying registering for things and have even already registered for a two-hour workshop on leadership skills. I also plan to register to do volunteer work in the community. There you go.
Monday, 15 September 2008
goodbye switzerland, hello england
only a few more hours before i leave for england. the flat is tidy and clean, the rubbish is out, the washing done, all there is to do is call a taxi and hope that my suitcase isn't too heavy.
my plans this week: my flight leaves today at 14.50 local time and i arrive in manchester 15.50 local time and hope to be in liverpool by about 18.00. i will be staying with uncle dan until thursday morning when i will make my way to nottingham to meet jenny, check out her room, register at the health center there, etc. i don't really have any plans for liverpool except get a uk-mobile number and open a bank account, oh yes, and of course watch liverpool play marseille (in marseille). friday lunchtime i leave nottingham for cheltenham to go to my cousin's wedding. the wedding is on saturday and then on sunday mum is driving me back to nottingham including a trip to ikea, yay. lots of travelling around but i think it will be great (as long as my suitcase is not too heavy) (as you can maybe tell i am slightly obsessed with this)
anyway, i had a great last few days here: tiramisu and white russians, football and beer, orange juice and shithead. but don't forget, today in three months i will be back! and of course my door is always open to visitors from wherever although do preferably let me know in advance that you are planning on coming.
must go and get something to drink so will love you and leave you already but will post again when in england.
my plans this week: my flight leaves today at 14.50 local time and i arrive in manchester 15.50 local time and hope to be in liverpool by about 18.00. i will be staying with uncle dan until thursday morning when i will make my way to nottingham to meet jenny, check out her room, register at the health center there, etc. i don't really have any plans for liverpool except get a uk-mobile number and open a bank account, oh yes, and of course watch liverpool play marseille (in marseille). friday lunchtime i leave nottingham for cheltenham to go to my cousin's wedding. the wedding is on saturday and then on sunday mum is driving me back to nottingham including a trip to ikea, yay. lots of travelling around but i think it will be great (as long as my suitcase is not too heavy) (as you can maybe tell i am slightly obsessed with this)
anyway, i had a great last few days here: tiramisu and white russians, football and beer, orange juice and shithead. but don't forget, today in three months i will be back! and of course my door is always open to visitors from wherever although do preferably let me know in advance that you are planning on coming.
must go and get something to drink so will love you and leave you already but will post again when in england.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
lena, dä blog isch für di
mi erschte iitrag, was für ein abenteuer. eigentlich hätti jo scho bevori uff honduras bi sötte dä blog afo, denn hätte nit alli miesste mini kilometer langi mails läse, aber wie bi so viilem im läbe hanis halt nit gmacht und denn doch bereut und wie bi viilem siit neuem hani mi jetzt doch drzue überwunde. s läbe isch halt scho e grosses abenteuer.
siit geschtert zobe hani melancholischi stimmig und los sehr oft stevie wonder i believe (when i fall in love it will be forever). drbii magi so lieder eigentlich nit so und bi au nit vrliebt. oder villicht doch. in mi abenteuer. amigs hani so richtig schmätterling im buuch, was ka schön sii aber au drzue ka fiehre dass mr schlächt wird. ich wird sehr viil lüt sehr fescht vrmisse au wenni weiss dass sie immer für mi wärde do sii egal wo ich uff däre wält bi aber am liebschte würdi sie halt scho mitnäh aber leider isch mi koffergwicht uff 30kg beschränkt, was scho so schwiirig sii wird zum iihalte. apropos, welli schueh sölli bloss alli mitnäh?!
lena, dä blog isch bitz e liebeserklärig an di. du weisch, ich wird immer für di do sii und es git wenig ziit, wenn ich nit an di dänk. das trifft natürlich nit nur uff d lena zue, aber ich glaub, ich muess jetzt nit alli uffzelle. wär e namentlichi erwähnig möcht, sölls sage.
uff jede fall bini no fünf täg do und so gsehn mini plän uss für die täg: bi grad sinnlos bim arzt gsi und jetzt gangi denn ins fitness, drnoch machi no mit dr steffi, dr aurelia und zobe mit dr cynthia ab (hauptsach shithead und bier!). (jetzt hän dir au no euri namentlichi erwähnig beko) morn hani efangs dr plan ins fitness zgoh, am friitig au widr fitness, e letschti massage bi dr anne und zobe hoffentlich e gueti party. samschtig gits denn no e kleine abschiidsalass bi mir dehei - details kommen später. sunntig zobe muessi mi denn vo dir vrabschiide, lena. ah jä und packe sötti au no. vrdammt, do kunnt widr d schueh frog uff. näbe däm allem wird ich mi no bitz nervös mache wägem studium, mi no über männer uffrege obwohli mi nit über männer sött uffrege dene ich nit 100% vrtrau well das isch irgendwie widrsprüchlich und mi hoffentlich entscheide welli schueh ich mitnimm. ah und hani party und bier scho erwähnt?
siit geschtert zobe hani melancholischi stimmig und los sehr oft stevie wonder i believe (when i fall in love it will be forever). drbii magi so lieder eigentlich nit so und bi au nit vrliebt. oder villicht doch. in mi abenteuer. amigs hani so richtig schmätterling im buuch, was ka schön sii aber au drzue ka fiehre dass mr schlächt wird. ich wird sehr viil lüt sehr fescht vrmisse au wenni weiss dass sie immer für mi wärde do sii egal wo ich uff däre wält bi aber am liebschte würdi sie halt scho mitnäh aber leider isch mi koffergwicht uff 30kg beschränkt, was scho so schwiirig sii wird zum iihalte. apropos, welli schueh sölli bloss alli mitnäh?!
lena, dä blog isch bitz e liebeserklärig an di. du weisch, ich wird immer für di do sii und es git wenig ziit, wenn ich nit an di dänk. das trifft natürlich nit nur uff d lena zue, aber ich glaub, ich muess jetzt nit alli uffzelle. wär e namentlichi erwähnig möcht, sölls sage.
uff jede fall bini no fünf täg do und so gsehn mini plän uss für die täg: bi grad sinnlos bim arzt gsi und jetzt gangi denn ins fitness, drnoch machi no mit dr steffi, dr aurelia und zobe mit dr cynthia ab (hauptsach shithead und bier!). (jetzt hän dir au no euri namentlichi erwähnig beko) morn hani efangs dr plan ins fitness zgoh, am friitig au widr fitness, e letschti massage bi dr anne und zobe hoffentlich e gueti party. samschtig gits denn no e kleine abschiidsalass bi mir dehei - details kommen später. sunntig zobe muessi mi denn vo dir vrabschiide, lena. ah jä und packe sötti au no. vrdammt, do kunnt widr d schueh frog uff. näbe däm allem wird ich mi no bitz nervös mache wägem studium, mi no über männer uffrege obwohli mi nit über männer sött uffrege dene ich nit 100% vrtrau well das isch irgendwie widrsprüchlich und mi hoffentlich entscheide welli schueh ich mitnimm. ah und hani party und bier scho erwähnt?
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