Monday 15 September 2008

goodbye switzerland, hello england

only a few more hours before i leave for england. the flat is tidy and clean, the rubbish is out, the washing done, all there is to do is call a taxi and hope that my suitcase isn't too heavy.

my plans this week: my flight leaves today at 14.50 local time and i arrive in manchester 15.50 local time and hope to be in liverpool by about 18.00. i will be staying with uncle dan until thursday morning when i will make my way to nottingham to meet jenny, check out her room, register at the health center there, etc. i don't really have any plans for liverpool except get a uk-mobile number and open a bank account, oh yes, and of course watch liverpool play marseille (in marseille). friday lunchtime i leave nottingham for cheltenham to go to my cousin's wedding. the wedding is on saturday and then on sunday mum is driving me back to nottingham including a trip to ikea, yay. lots of travelling around but i think it will be great (as long as my suitcase is not too heavy) (as you can maybe tell i am slightly obsessed with this)

anyway, i had a great last few days here: tiramisu and white russians, football and beer, orange juice and shithead. but don't forget, today in three months i will be back! and of course my door is always open to visitors from wherever although do preferably let me know in advance that you are planning on coming.

must go and get something to drink so will love you and leave you already but will post again when in england.


1 comment:

  1. aha, widr uff änglisch? nuu, ich ha jetzt e nateluffladegrät gfunde und bi widr erreichbar!! well ich freu mich wennde am sunntig au aakunnsch!! bisous
