Tuesday, 1 June 2010

urge to splurge

Having not written anything here for 6 months I now do feel the urge to splurge about my new internship. A lot has happened in the past half year but most of you know about it already so why should I repeat it? Ok, if you insist, I'll give you a short version:

- until April 11th I was in Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany. The time there included work, meeting great people, drinking delish beer, visiting Salzburg but also weekends at home in Basel for Fasnacht and my b-day.
- on April 16th I started my trip to the US but only got as far as London thanks to Ellijyfuckyouall volcano (scuse the language) so stayed in the UK for a week before going on to North Carolina, stayed there for about a week, went to California for 10 days, back in NC for a week and then back to Basilea.

I arrived in St. Gallen on Sunday evening with Esterli who kindly gave me and my stuff a lift and moved into my new place on Monday morning. Work started today. So why do I already have the urge to splurge? Weeeell I don't really know, I would guess because it is so completely different from anything I have done so far. Ok, admittedly, today I spent all day listening to people, trying to suck up information and reading stuff related to my work. I am working for a small consultancy affiliated with the university here in St. Gallen (full of slick haired rich kids) and specialising in a construct called "organisational energy". Anywhoooo, I am going to be involved in a project called "TOP JOB", which is basically like the times 100 best employers or "great place to work" just very empirical and using many different scales to measure 6 big constructs. My job is going to all to do with the data and processing the data. From the middle of June there will be another intern doing the same thing and for the first time ever they have decided to empower their interns so basically give us full responsibility over the data and producing the reports muahahah (actually I think it sounds terrifying). My next few days (other than a 4 hour weekly team meeting) will be filled with getting to know the reporting tool, which makes reports semi-automatically. "all" I have to do is put in the right standard text and then incorporate the correct data sets. Ha. The main data set has an n of up to about 25'000! (n being the number of cases) So, yes, I will have to make friends with SPSS again. For this I have been given their best intern laptop because I will need so much working memory (whatever the correct English expression is for that), wohooo. Amazingly I have also been given a personalised email address AND a key to the offices! This would have been unthinkable anywhere I have worked previously. So, as you can maybe also tell by now a very new time in my life is currently starting. Longer working hours (probably 8-18 or 19h), more responsibility, more serious, a smaller team, etc). Oh yes did I say that the interns get to go on their "Knowledge Days" - two days of internal training and meetings in a nice hotel in Rorschach (on lake constance) paid for by them! The only unfortunate thing is that they seem to spend more money on lunch than I would usually want to...

Ok, I think I am splurged out now. I might go to bed cause it is freeeeezing here. Max today was supposed to be 14°C and same tomorrow. Brrrr. Errr, summer?

Might send some more verbal diarrhea (if I could only remember how to spell that word) in this direction very soon so be warned.


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