Sunday, 12 July 2009

things done and things to come

wow, two months since my last post. I don't even know where to start on things that have happened since then. Maybe a list would do:

  • all assignments handed in including project proposal
  • project proposal accepted and ethics cleared
  • three exams
  • all assignments and exams passed with reasonable marks
  • celebrated exams over and was ill all next day
  • knew two instead of the usual one answer at the pub quiz (out of 40 questions)
  • PGSA summer ball
  • UoN summer party
  • qualified at BPS level A & B in occupational testing during a two week, fairly intense workshop
  • BGP summer formal with delicious Asian buffet food, chocolate fountains and great entertainment by Britains got talent almost-winners Signature and Faces of the Disco
  • weekend in Edinburgh with the PGSA - beeeeautiful city that I would love to go to again! drank some whisky, walked up a hill, did some sightseeing and bought a hat and some wool ( )
  • went SKYDIVING! absolutely overwhelmingly incredibly AMAZING! words cannot describe the feeling but it was beautiful and I will nevernever forget it! ( )
  • got awarded the UoN students union award 2009 for outstanding contributions to the union
  • went to Basel <3>
  • seeing friends, drinking cold beer by the Rhine, swimming in the Rhine, going to Winterthur, and even doing some work for my project! ( )
  • got a tattoo
  • went boating on the lake and had a proper and very yummy sunday roast

That was a very short version of the massively busy past two months and here is what is still to come in the next two months:

  • write my dissertation!
  • go to Anglesey (Wales)
  • go to Brighton to see Steffi
  • go to Suffolk to see parents and grandparents
  • go to London with Cynthia
  • go to Leeds to see James
  • find out what comes next
  • move out of Cloisters and leave Nottingham :(

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