Thursday, 13 November 2008

holloa boys and girls

after writing that short post and being told that my blog was appreciated I am now feeling quite motivated to write another, proper post. I can't believe it is already the 12th november (actually I think now it is already the 13th but days start when I get up as far as I'm concerned). christmas is appearing everywhere and the pressure is on with assignments galore and an equal amount of distracting activities.

as always, because I don't write often enough, many things have happened since my last post. i have been elected has cloister postgrad rep and have been through training and a few meetings already. one big advantage of this post is that i get free hoodies (this is a new word I have learned since getting here - another one is spag-bol = spaghetti bolognese) and free trips to places like ... Amsterdam!! but of course actually I really enjoy being a person of reference for people and feel strong enough to take on the responsibility although I need to build up some more connections with other reps to get some good stuff going on for cloisters.

... let me think what else has been going on since last posting. I have seen robin hood and friar tuck jousting (obviously not against each other) at the robin hood pageant at nottingham castle (which is not actually a castle but more like a mansion but i know a great deal about its history after doing a five minute presentation on it) - the weather was so english, it was incredible. it was cold and wet and incredibly windy but there were lots of people in costume and even the king had come! another cultural experience was halloween. i think most of you have seen pictures but yes, I was actually wearing a witches hat! that was as far as my costume went but I think that was also about far enough, thank you. before going out to the pub as a witch though we witnessed a guinness world record being set on the old market square in nottingham: the most people dressed up as zombies dancing the michael jackson's thriller dance! the rest of that weekend was slightly messed up by me having to undergo JCR (junior common room) training from 9-5 saturday and sunday. although it was quite an interesting experience and I saw more drawings of penis in those two days than I have in the last few years of my life. cannot believe I was ever an undergrad like them, haha.

after that, my timetable changed. this might seem boring to you but it was interesting for me because i was interested to see whether I would like my new courses more than the ones I had had so far. the answer is: I do! but ... all my new courses are assessed by coursework so I now have about 6 essays to write. uiuiuiui. first one is due in 8th december and the rest towards the end of january. with all the excitement of my timetable changing came the excitement of my first ever pub quiz! rather than going to the local pub (the JA) we opted on going to a pub in Beeston called the Malt Shovel where the PGSA organise a pub quiz every month. it was very good, it got you thinking and we had a good time. definately something to think about doing again in december - if only the broadgate park formal wasn't on the same day but no one else seems to want to go there anyway... where were we? ah yes, pub quiz. after pub quiz came bonfire night! also known as guy fawkes night. some of you might remember him from v for vendetta.
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
anyway, we went to see him burn at the forest recreation grounds which was really nice although rather muddy. fireworks were being let off all week and we went to see another (I think more spectacular) bonfire and fireworks on the friday at our local firestation. but i am getting slightly ahead of myself. oh nevermind. talking about our local firestation, saturday morning at some ungodly hour (i.e. about 6am) I woke up to the sound of water only to find out that a pipe had burst just outside my room and there was water running through the ceiling in the hallway. after banging on sophie's door and causing some confusion the fire alarm went off while I was on the phone to the broadgate reception because the water was running through it. fact is, the whole house was evacuated at 6am and the local firemen came because they automatically get alarmed and even though we did sort of enjoy having men in uniform in our flat it ruined any chance of sleep for me so I went for a swim (this turned me into my flatmate's hero but ruined any chance of me doing anything productive for the rest of the day). that afternoon we had tea and cake in our flat for the house and met some people we had not met yet so that was nice.

this week has been quite uneventful so far. I have had a chat with a careers advisor about my CV and possible application question answers (I have started an online application to the Rolls-Royce graduate leadership programme in HR), which was very informative, have been to a PGSA meeting and tomorrow I am going to Lings Lane Stables again finally to give the Thursday group of the local RDA a go. Sadly because my timetable has changed I will no longer be able to go on Wednesdays.. My plan for this weekend is to get started on my essay, have a few drinks with some friends and sleep. Oooh I almost forgot: we are apparently getting a new flatmate!! Very exciting!

Anyway, must go to bed - this is far too long for anyone of you to want to ready anyway but I feel a lot better for having written it (thank you jenny r)!

good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!


Wednesday, 12 November 2008


must write a proper new post again soon but it takes more effort than i had originally imagined and there are so many other things that i should be doing or would like to be doing: reading, writing essays, applying for jobs, volunteering, swimming, going to the gym, writing my blog, keeping up with my representative responsibilities (i.e. going to meetings and organising stuff), going to french-speakers meetings, watching films presented by the human rights law society, going on trips to cambridge, lincoln, amsterdam, etc, studying, and of course keeping up with my friends here and back home. i think of everyone a lot, which is maybe on reason why i get less done than i would like. need to work on my self-discipline and time-management.
